People We Work With
Region VII Area Agency on Aging uses a Request for Proposal Process to ensure a fair and objective method is used for acquiring services for older persons with public funds administered by Area Agencies on Aging through the federal Older Americans Act. If you are interested in learning more about the Request for Proposal Process please contact Region VII’s Contract Manager or Program Manager at: 1-800-858-1637.
The MI Choice Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver is designed to be an alternative to nursing home care for older adults and persons with a disability. As an organized health care delivery system, there are many Service Providers offering services to participants of this program. If you are interested in learning more about the process of becoming a Service Provider under the Mi Choice Medicaid Waiver program please contact Region VII’s Waiver/Care Management Director at: 1-800-858-1637.
Region VII also partners with several other agencies for a variety of services and programs. If you would like to learn more about how you or your business can partner with Region VII AAA, please contact the agency at: 1-800-858-1637.