NOTICE: Pursuant to Section 4 (a-d) of Public Act #267 of 1976, notice is hereby given to all interested parties that the meetings of the Region VII Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors will be held according to this schedule. All meetings are at 10 a.m. in Conference room 1 at Region VII AAA 1615 South Euclid Avenue in Bay City Michigan unless notified otherwise.

Board members are appointed by their respective County Commissions, and by the City of Saginaw.

Please call 24 hours in advance if accommodations will be needed.

Region VII AAA complies with the Open Meetings Act, board meetings are typically held on the first Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. except May and December. See schedule for additional information or contact Region VII AAA. If accommodations are required please call 24 hours in advance.

Board Members
Bay County Pat Beson, Treasurer
Clare County Mike Tobin- Member at Large
Gladwin County Joel Vernier- Vice Chair
Gratiot County Corinne Netzley
Huron County Dan Glaza
Isabella County Sowmick, Joseph
Midland County Geoff Malicoat
Saginaw County Darryl Thomas- Chair
Sanilac County Christine Lee
Tuscola County William Sanders
City of Saginaw
Brenda Moore
Advisory Council Liaison William Walters- Secretary
Meetings 2025:
Meetings 2024:

* Annual Meeting – offsite location/varies

Meetings 2023:

* Annual Meeting – offsite location/varies